This site is dedicated to the land and the people north of 60. It is meant to shed some light onto the one or other corner of Canada’s back of beyond. For those who are planning to go and those who share an interest in the North but cannot go have a look for themselves.
It appears indeed rather presumptuous to attempt to capture Canada’s Northland, which is said to be "Larger Than Life" according to the Yukon's Tourism Board, with an apparatus the size of a pack of cigarettes. There's just so much that the camera simply can't convey. But nevertheless: A picture still says more than a thousand words. And a panorama offers more than just the addition of its individual frames. To view a panorama, you may like to use the full screen button in the menu. The files behind the more recent panoramas are even large enough to zoom in moderately. Depending on your bandwidth, you may have to wait a moment for a sharp image to appear on your screen as you scroll. If you open the map in the panorama menu bar and zoom out by clicking on the minus-symbol neighboring locations with a panoramic view will appear. And if the menu control does not work, try a different browser.
Some rivers from the last 20+ years of paddling are not mentioned on this site. Namely, not my very early trips, before the days of digital cameras, with a Klepper folding kayak. But I am happy to share whatever I can remember of those days - click here for an overview map.
And since this website is dedicated to the land and the people, North of 60, it should probably feature more than just pretty pictures of the landscape. That's why there is also a separate tab with links to YouTube, Canada's National Film Board or elsewhere. If the video does not run smoothly, try lowering the resolution in the video settings. And if you know of a link that is missing under the tab "Canada’s Inuit & First Nations", please send me an email to admin[a/t]
A right click on any picture of this page followed by "display picture" will bring it up full size.